Book Series

Coordinator: Vlad Alexandrescu

Scientific Board: Horia-Roman Patapievici; Anca Vasiliu (CNRS-Paris); Anca Oroveanu (NEC-Bucureşti); Daniel Garber (Princeton University); Roger Ariew (University of South Florida); Jean-Robert Armogathe (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes – Paris); Stephen Gaukroger (Sydney University)

The FME Series in early modern thought is dedicated foremost to scholarly studies in the history of early modern philosophy, covering a period ranging from the end of the Renaissance era (16th century) to the first part of the 17th century. As the history of philosophy becomes more and more contextualized, the series is opened also to fields such as intellectual history, history and philosophy of science, late medieval studies or the history of art, in the spirit of a cross-disciplinary enquiry into the founding elements of the European modern consciousness. Publishing author books, monographs or collection of articles, and edited volumes resulting from various academic events, the series benefits from the strong support of an international board of well-known scholars in the field of early modern studies. It is edited by a team of young and senior scholars gathered by the Research Centre for the Foundations of Modern Thought of the University of Bucharest. We are welcoming works of young as well as senior scholars, focused studies or general monographs, written in one of the international academic-working languages. The motivating spirit of the Series lies in its effort to strengthen the communication between Romanian and foreign scholars and to bring the discipline in the frontlines of the Romanian intellectual awareness today.

Series edited by the Research Centre for the Foundations of Modern Thought, University of Bucharest

The series can be found at: