Programme – The Losers of the Scientific Revolution

Bucharest-Princeton Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy
Bran, 5–10 July 2012
The Losers of the Scientific Revolution
Friday, 5 July
9.30 Departure to Bran from Hotel Flowers, Plantelor str. 2, Bucharest  (lunch on the way in Brașov)
17.00 Arrival in Bran (Vila Andra)
19.00 Dinner
Saturday, 6 July
9.30-10.30 Conference: Vlad Alexandrescu (Bucharest): Descartes et le rêve (baconien) de “la plus haute et plus parfaite science”
10.30-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-13.00 Reading group (I): Baconianism and Cartesianism. On Method
Convenors: Mihnea Dobre, Igor Agostini
Texts: Descartes\’s Regulae, the Discourse, and the Objections; (fragments)
a chapter on Bacon from Mersenne\’s La verité de sciences, pp. 206-224; Nicolas Poisson\’s Commentaire ou remarques sur la methode de Descartes, pp. 54-72
13.00-15.00 Lunch break
16.00-16.35 Fabrizio Baldassarri (Parma): Useless Victories and Useful Losses. Descartes and Losers in Scientific Revolution
16.35-16.50 Coffee break
16.50-19.00 Reading group (II): Baconianism and Cartesianism. On experiments
Convenors: Mihnea Dobre, Sophie Roux
Texts: Rochon, Lettre d\’un philosophe à un cartésien de ces amis, p. 119-129, p. 141-55, p. 194-202; Mariotte, Essai de logique, p. 8-33, p. 110-149); Jacques Rohault, System of Natural Philosophy, On Void, p. 56-68.
19.30 Dinner
Sunday, 7 July
9.15-9.50 Igor Agostini (Universita degli studi del Salento): What does it mean to edit an Index scolastico-cartésien today?
9.50-10.40 Stefano Di Bella (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa), Idolon naturae. Seventeenth-century discussions on the concept of nature
10.40-10.55 Coffee break
10.55-13.00 Reading group (III): Vitalism vs. the Scientific Revolution (1)
Convenors: Emanuela Scribano, Stefano Di Bella
Texts: Cureau de La Chambre, Le Système de l\’âme 1664, Livre III (\”Corpus des oeuvres de philosophie en langue française\”); Cudworth\’s digression on \’plastick nature\’ in the True Intellectual System 
13.00-15.00 Lunch break
16.00-16.35: Rodolfo Garau (Torino), Descartes’ reception of the late-scholastic concept of conatus
16.35-16.50 Coffee break
16.50-17.25 Mihai-Dragoş Vadana (Bucharest), On the shivery separation between philosophy and theology: Descartes, Wittich and Meijer
17.25-18.00 Andrea Sangiacomo (Groningen): Explaining superstition: Spinoza’s conatus doctrine and its evolution between 1661 and 1670
19.00 Dinner
Monday, 8 July
9.30-10.05 Charles Wolfe (Ghent): Vitalism between ontology and scientific pursuit-worthiness in the wake of the Scientific Revolution
10.05-10.20 Coffee break
10.20-12.35 Reading group (IV): Vitalism vs. the Scientific Revolution (2)
Convenors: Charles Wolfe, Sorana Corneanu
Texts: Glisson, excerpt from De natura substantiae energetica, 1672 (trans. G. Giglioni); excerpts from the Leibniz-Stahl debate (Animadversiones circa Assertiones aliquas Theoriae Medicae Verae clarii Stahlii … Or Negotium otiosum, seu Schiamachia, 1708) (trans. J.E.H. Smith and F. Duchesneau); A. von Haller, A Dissertation on the Sensible and Irritable Parts of Animals, 1752/1753; excerpts from Bordeu (1751), Ménuret (1765) and Diderot (1769) on the ‘beeswarm’ (trans. C.T. Wolfe); Ménuret, article “Oeconomie animale” from the Encyclopédie(1765)
13.00-15.00 Lunch break
16.00-16.35 Ohad Nachtomy (Tel Aviv): “Ce qu’il vient de dire de la double infinité n’est qu’une entrée dans mon système” – Leibniz’s Response to Pascal on the Nature of Living Beings
16.35-16.50 Coffee break
16.50 -17.25 Lucian Petrescu (Ghent): Bartholomaeus Des Bosses’ Eucharistic Key
17.25-18.00 Sebastian Mateiescu (Bucharest): Francis Bacon on the Stability and Transmutation of Species
19.00 Dinner
Tuesday, 9 July
9.15-9.50:  Ian Lawson (Sydney): \’This Brittle Art\’: Margaret Cavendish and the Microscope
9.50-10.25 Ofer Gal (Sydney): The Jesuits and the telescope
10.25-10.40 Coffee break
10.40-12.55 Reading group (V): Mechanical philosophy vs. the spirit of nature: Henry More.
Convenors: Daniel Garber, Stefano Di Bella, Grigore Vida
Henry More, Immortality of the Soul, fragment
Kenelm Digby, Discourse on the powder of symathy, or The weapon salve, fragment
13.00-15.00 Lunch
16.00-16.35 Grigore Vida (New Europe College): Newton’s De Gravitatione and the Descartes-More Correspondence
16.35-16.50 Coffee break
16.50-17.25 Monica Solomon (Notre Dame), Newton, Huygens, and the (truly?) Rotating Globes
17.25-18.00 Claudia Dumitru (Bucharest): Robert Hooke\’s “Baconian Method”: Memory and Natural History
19.00 Dinner
Wednesday, 10 July
9.30 Departure to Bucharest
This Seminar is supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0998: Models of Producing and Disseminating Knowledge in Early Modern Europe: the Cartesian Framework.

4th Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science, 12-14 May 2013

4thBucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science
Experiments and the Arts of Discovery in the Early Modern Europe
12-14 May 2013
Center for the Logic, History and the Philosophy of Science
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest

Recent research has been oriented towards the exploration of experiments, experimental methodologies and experimental practices in the early modern period. On the one hand, traditional histories of science and philosophy have been challenged by an increased number of examples that were not easily adapted to the existing categories (e.g., numerous observational practices and ways to note the reports of experiments). On the other hand, these historiographical categories have been criticized for their limited explanatory possibilities (e.g., quite often they described experiment in a way that was much closer to its development in the 18th and 19th centuries). Such problems revealed an urgent need to re-evaluate and change our traditional views concerning the experimental practice.
With our workshop on Experiments and the arts of discovery in early modern Europe, we are interested to put together researchers interested in the study of the multiple uses of experimentation in the 16th and 17thcenturies (e.g., natural philosophy, natural history, mixed-mathematics, medicine, moral philosophy, theology etc.). Here is a non-exhaustive list of such points of interest: (a) The creative value(s) of early modern experiments; (b) The use of experiments in analogical thinking and the use of experiments in ‘grounding’ analogies; (c) The methodologically driven experimentation.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Chair: Dana Jalobeanu (Bucharest)
10:00-11:00     Peter Anstey (Sydney), Experimental natural history (keynote lecture)
11:00-11:30     Coffee Break
11:30-12.30     Sergius Kodera (Vienna), The Laboratory as Stage: Giovanni Battista della Porta’s Experiments
12.30-13.30     Lunch Break
Chair: Cesare Pastorino (Sussex)
13.30-14.30     Arianna Borrelli (Wuppertal), The invisible technique: the emergence of transparent glass and the development of Giovan Battista Della Porta\’s optical experiments
14.30-15:00     Coffee break 
15:00-16:00     Evan Ragland (Alabama), Making Trials in Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth-Century Medicine
16:00-16:30     Coffee break
16:30-17:30     Jonathan Regier (Paris), Mathematics and experiment in Kepler\’s De stella nova (1604)
17:30-18:00     Coffee break
18:00-19:00     Round-up discussion: Experiments in Early Modern Philosophy.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Chair: Roger Ariew (South Florida)
10:00-11:00     Daniel Garber (Princeton), Merchants of Light and Mystery Men: Bacon’s Last Projects in Natural History
11:00-11.30     Cofee break
11:30-12.30     Sorana Corneanu (Bucharest), Experimenting with the Operations of the Mind: Medicine and the ‘Intellectual Arts’
12:30-13:30     Lunch break
Chair: Richard Serjeantson (Cambridge)
13:30-14.30     Kathryn Murphy (Oxford), Strategies of Experimental Reading in Francis Bacon and Dean Christopher Wren
14.30-15:00     Coffee break                                 
15:00-16:00     Vlad Alexandrescu (Bucharest), Descartes et le rêve (baconien) de \”la plus haute et plus parfaite science\”
16:00-16:30     Coffee break
16:30-19:00     Round-up discussion: Baconian experimentation (Proponents: Dana Jalobeanu, Cesare Pastorino, Mihnea Dobre, Oana Matei, Sebastian Mateiescu, Claudia Dumitru)
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Chair: Daniel Garber (Princeton)
10:00-11:00     Mordechai Feingold (Caltech), What was the \”Experimental Philosophy\’?(keynote lecture)
11:00-11:30     Coffee break
11:30-12:30     Albrecht Heeffer (Ghent), The use of material models in physico-mathematics
12:30-13:30     Lunch break                                                                                  
Chair: Peter Anstey (Sydney)
13:30-14:30     Koen Vermeir (Paris),  John Wilkins\’ mathematical experiments and the perpetuity of discovery
14:30-15:00     Coffee break
15:00-16:00     Benedino Gemelli (Bellinzona), Francis Bacon in Isaac Beeckman’sJournal
16:00-16:30     Coffee break
16:30-17:30     Alberto Vanzo (Warwick), Experimental philosophy in late seventeenth-century Italy
17:30-18:00     Coffee break
18:00-19:00     Round-up discussion (Cesare Pastorino)

Dana Jalobeanu (University of Bucharest) and Cesare Pastorino (Essex University)



The Journal of Early Modern Studies is seeking contributions for its third issue (Fall 2013). This is an open (non-thematic) issue: The Editors of the Journal of Early Modern Studies are pleased to announce a call for papers for the Fall 2013 open (non-thematic) issue of JEMS. Submissions of articles and reviews falling within the general scope of JEMS are welcome.

Editor: Sorana Corneanu

JEMS is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal of intellectual history, dedicated to the exploration of the interactions between philosophy, science and religion in Early Modern Europe. It is edited by the Research Centre “Foundations of Modern Thought”, University of Bucharest, and published and distributed by Zeta Books. For further information on JEMS, please visit For the Guidelines for Authors, please visit
We are seeking for articles no longer than 10,000 words, in English or French, with an abstract and key-words in English. Please send your contribution by the 1st of March 2013 to

CFP: Studia UBB. Philosophia

Call for papers: Issue no. 3/2013 of Studia UBB. Philosophia: “Descartes’s Scientific and Philosophical Disputes with his Contemporaries” 

 “I beg all who have any objections to take the trouble to send them to me,” wrote Descartes a number of times in his career. Descartes’s eagerness to impose his views, in the name of “the search after truth,” engaged him in various controversies, from 1637, the year of the publication of the Discourse on method, to the end of his life. Apart from the famous “Objections and Replies” to the Meditations (1641), the Cartesian correspondence presents a large number of equally interesting disputes, on both scientific and philosophical topics. The letters often resemble a battlefield in which an attentive observer can distinguish various defense strategies: Trojan horses, conceptual traps, misquotes, etc. Often the aim was to disqualify the opponent not only as a bad thinker, but also as a hidden atheist. By the late 1640s, Descartes’s position within the fragile intellectual circle composed of French Catholics, novatores of various persuasions or Calvinist theologians became very unstable. His decision to accept Queen Christina’s invitation to Stockholm appears like an escape attempt from this imbroglio. 

 The present issue of Studia UBB will be dedicated to these confrontations. It aims to show, on the whole, the historical and conceptual relevance of contemporary reactions to Cartesianism for an assessment of both the novelty and the consistence of Descartes’s project. 

 Papers should be written in English, French or German. Articles cannot be longer than 75.000 characters, including spaces and footnotes. Reviews cannot be longer than 25.000 characters. The deadline for submission is 15 September 2013. Papers should follow the guidelines for the authors ( and be prepared for blind review. Submissions should be sent both to the editor, Ion Copoeru:, and the guest editor, Vlad Alexandrescu:

Princeton-Bucharest 2012 Seminar Participants

29 June – 4 July 2012
1. Dr. Ohad Nachtomy (Bar-Ilan University)
2. Dr. Tammy Nyden (Grinnell College)
3. Dr. Calin Cristian Pop (New Europe College, Bucharest)
4. Dr. Alexander Douglas (School of Advanced Studies, London)
5. Robin Buning (Utrecht University)
6. Robert Arnautu (Central European University + New Europe College, Bucharest)
7. Steven Burgess (University of South Florida)
8. Andrea Sangiacomo (University of Macerata + ENS Lyon)
9. Marcus Adams (University of Pittsburgh)
10. Fabrizio Baldassarri (Università degli Studi di Parma)
11. Lucian Petrescu (Ghent University)
12. Lucio Mare (University of South Florida)
13. Raphael Krut-Landau (Princeton University)
14. Madalina Giurgea (University of Bucharest)
15. Laura Georgescu (University of Bucharest)
16. Doina Rusu (University of Bucharest and University of Nijmegen)
17. Dragos Vadana (New Europe College, Bucharest)
18. Sandra Dragomir (University of Bucharest)
19. Max Gavrilciuc (University of Bucharest)
1. Daniel Garber (Princeton University)
2. Roger Ariew (University of South Florida)
3. Igor Agostini (Università del Salento)
4. Daniel Andersson (University of Oxford, Wolfson College)
5. Vlad Alexandrescu (University of Bucharest)
6. Dana Jalobeanu (University of Bucharest)
7. Sorana Corneanu (University of Bucharest)

Bucharest-Princeton Seminar 2012

Bucharest-Princeton Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy

Bran, 29 June – 4 July 2012



29 June

9.30 Departure to Bran from Hotel Flowers, Plantelor str. 2, Bucharest  (lunch on the way in Brașov)

17.00 Arrival in Bran (Vila Andra)

19.00 Dinner

30 June

9.30-10.30 Conference: Alexander Douglas (London): Spinoza, the Enlightenment, and the Idea of Social Science

10.30-10.45 Coffee break

10.45-13.00 Reading group (I): Bacon, Hooke, Sprat and the \’inductive\’ method
Convenors: Laura Georgescu, Dana Jalobeanu, Doina Rusu


13.00-15.00 Lunch break

16.00-16.35 Daniel Andersson (Oxford): Imaginatio and Scientia

16.35-16.50 Coffee Break

16.50-17.25 Fabrizio Baldassarri (Parma): History and science: the battle for scientia. Descartes and Bacon
17.25-18.00 Robert Arnautu (CEU and New Europe College): Scientiaand banauson technai : The joint foundation for modern experimental science and technology

19.00 Dinner

1 July

9.30-10.30 Presentation & discussion of a book: Igor Agostini (Universita degli studi del Salento):L’idea di Dio in Descartes, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2011.

10.30-10.45 Coffee break

10.45-13.00 Reading group (II): Descartes\’ Regulae. Convenors: Igor Agostini, Vlad Alexandrescu, Lucian Petrescu

Texts: Regulae ad directionem ingenii, texte critique [latin] établi par Giovanni Crapulli, La Haye, Martinus Nijhof, 1951; english translation of Descartes’ letters by Dugald Murdoch in The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, vol. I, translated by J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff, D. Murdoch, CUP, 1985, p. 7-77; French translation by J.L. Marion, in Descartes, Règles utiles et claires pour la direction de l’esprit et la recherche de la vérité, La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1977.

13.00-15.00 Lunch break

16.00-16.35: Steven Burgess (South Florida), The Ontological Background of the Method of Demonstration in Descartes’ Meditations

16.35-16.50 Coffee break

16.50-17.25 Calin Cristian Pop (New Europe College): Ontologie inachevée de l’infini chez Descartes comme propédeutique de la scientia
17.25-18.00 Roger Ariew (South Florida), Condemnations of Cartesianism and the resulting empiricism

19.00 Dinner

2 July

9.30-10.05 Max Gavrilciuc(Bucharest): Soul Individuality in Descartes
10.05-10.40: Madalina Giurgea (Ghent): On speed, force and motion in Mersenne’s Traité de l’Harmonie Universelle

10.40-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-13.00 Reading group (III): A \’science\’ of the soul: Charleton, Convenor: Sorana Corneanu

Text: Walter Charleton, Natural History of the Passions, London, 1674, Sections I-III, pp. 2-67.

13.00-15.00 Lunch break

16.00-16.35 Robin Buning (Utrecht): Henricus Reneri’s programme for the renovation of natural philosophy

16.35-16.50 Coffee break

16.50 -17.25 Lucian Petrescu (Ghent): Peter Pázmány’s exegesis of Meteorologica IV
17.25-18.00 Raphael Krut-Landau (Princeton): The role of metaphysics in Spinoza’s philosophy

19.00 Dinner

3 July

9.30-10.30:  Conference : Andrea Sangiacomo (Macerata and Lyon ): Changing Descartes: Boyle, Spinoza and the debate on the relational nature of sensible qualities

10.30-10.45 Coffee break

10.45-13.00 Reading group (IV): Mathematical method: Newton. Convenor: Daniel Garber


13.00-15.00 Lunch

16.00-16.35 Lucio Mare (South Florida): Infimae species in Heaven and Earth: on Leibniz’ Reception and Use of a Thomistic Individuation Principle

16.35-16.50 Coffee Break

16.50-17.25 Tammy Nyden, Not Scientia, but Not Nothing: de Volder on the Role of Experiment in Natural Philosophy
17.25-18.00 Ohad Nachtomy (Bar-Ilan University): Infinity and Life: The Role of Infinity in Leibniz’s View of Living Beings

19.00 Dinner

4 July

9.30 Departure to Bucharest

This Seminar is supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0998: Models of Producing and Disseminating Knowledge in Early Modern Europe: the Cartesian Framework.


The Journal of Early Modern Studies is seeking contributions for its second issue (Spring 2013). This special issue is devoted to the theme:
Creative experiments: Heuristic and Exploratory Experimentation in Early Modern Science

Editor: Dana Jalobeanu

The past decade has seen a renewed interest in multiple aspects of early modern experimentation: in the cognitive, psychological and social aspects of experiments, in their heuristic and exploratory value and in the complex inter-relations between experience, observation and experiment. Meanwhile, comparatively little has been done towards a more detailed, contextual and specific study of what might be described, a bit anachronistically, as the methodology of early modern experimentation, i.e. the ways in which philosophers, naturalists, promoters of mixed mathematics and artisans put experiments together and reflected on the capacity of experiments to extend, refine and test hypotheses, on the limits of experimental activity and on the heuristic power of experimentation. So far, the sustained interest in the role played by experiments in early modern science has usually centered on ‘evidence’- related problems. This line of investigation favored examination of the experimental results but neglected the “methodology” that brought about the results in the first place. It has also neglected the more creative and exploratory roles that experiments could and did play in the works of sixteenth and seventeenth century explorers of nature.
This special issue of the Journal of Early Modern Studies aims to bring together articles devoted to the investigation of particular cases of early modern experiments or early modern discussions of experimental methodology. We aim to put together a selection of interesting and perhaps relevant case studies that would further what might prove to be an interesting line of research, namely the investigation of the heuristic, analogical and creative role of early modern experiments.
JEMS is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal of intellectual history, dedicated to the exploration of the interactions between philosophy, science and religion in Early Modern Europe. It is edited by the Research Centre “Foundations of Modern Thought”, University of Bucharest, and published and distributed by Zeta Books. For further information on JEMS, please visit
We are seeking for articles no longer than 10,000 words, in English or French, with an abstract and key-words in English. Please send your contribution by the 1st of November 2012 to

Descartes Team Structure

The team of the CNCS founded project “MODELS OF PRODUCING AND DISSEMINATING KNOWLEDGE IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE: THE CARTESIAN FRAMEWORK (code PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0998), implemented at the New Europe College, under the supervision of Prof. Vlad Alexandrescu, is formed of the following members:
Full members:
Dr. Călin Cristian Pop (Cluj)
Dr. Grigore Vida (Bucharest)
Robert Arnăutu (Cluj)
Dragoș Vadana (Bucharest)

Associated members:
Dr. Robert Lazu (Timișoara)
Dr. Claudiu Gaiu (Cluj)
Dr. Ilinca Bălaș (Bucharest)

Research Assistant Job Announcement


In order to complete the team of the CNCS founded project “MODELS OF PRODUCING AND DISSEMINATING KNOWLEDGE IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE: THE CARTESIAN FRAMEWORK (code PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0998), implemented at the New Europe College, under the supervision of Prof. Vlad Alexandrescu, a competition is opened for 2 full-time positions at the level of Research Assistant.

The jobs are temporary, covering the entire duration of the project, which ends on December the 15th, 2014.


  1. Applicants should be enrolled in a MA or PhD programme in a discipline related to intellectual history (philosophy, philology, history, political science, etc.) or have completed such programmes.
  2. Applicants should document their interest and knowledge in the field of intellectual history and to be willing to enter an international programme devoted to Cartesian studies.
  3. Applicants should possess French and English at an advanced level. Notions of Latin are an advantage, yet there are not mandatory.
  4. Applicants should have organisation and communication skills.
  5. Applicants should be available for research stages abroad.

In order to apply, please send a letter of intent and a CV at the e-mail address: Applicants can send any documents that they consider to be relevant to this position (scientific writing samples, MA dissertation, diplomas, recommendations etc.)

Applicants who meet the requirements will receive an e-mail, in order to attend an interview with the Project director, which will be held at the beginning of January 2012, at the New Europe College in Bucharest.

Researcher Job Announcement


In order to complete the team of the CNCS founded project “MODELS OF PRODUCING AND DISSEMINATING KNOWLEDGE IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE: THE CARTESIAN FRAMEWORK (code PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0998), implemented at the New Europe College, under the supervision of Prof. Vlad Alexandrescu, a competition is opened for 2 full-time positions at the level of Researcher.

The jobs are temporary, covering the entire duration of the project, which ends on December the 15th, 2014.


  1. Applicants should have completed a PhD programme in a discipline related to intellectual history (philosophy, philology, history, political science, etc.).
  2. Applicants should document their interest and knowledge in the field of intellectual history and to be willing to enter an international programme devoted to Cartesian studies.
  3. Applicants should possess French and English at an advanced level. Notions of Latin are an advantage, yet there are not mandatory.
  4. Applicants should have experience in writing scientific publications at a high standard.

We invite colleagues to express their interest in these positions by sending (i) a letter of intent, (ii) a professional CV and (iii) the PhD dissertation to the project directors e-mail address:

The professional CV should contain the following topics:

a) education – degrees, diplomas, postdoctoral specialization periods;

b) professional experience – former employers, job description;

c) main research results – prizes, grants;

d) list of publications.

Applicants can send any documents that tey considere to be relevant to this position (scientific papers, diplomas, recommendations etc.)

Applicants who meet the requirements will receive an e-mail, in order to attend an interview with the Project director, which will be held at the beginning of January 2012, at the New Europe College in Bucharest.